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Hemoptysis in a 49-Year-Old Man (1)

Hemoptysis in a 49-Year-Old Man (1)Herein we report the case of a patient who had pleuropulmonary amebiasis. The 49-year-old man whose case is presented complained of hemoptysis without gastrointestinal symptoms. Case Report A 49-year-old man came to LAC-USC Medical Center with a six-week history of blood-streaked sputum. During the preceding three weeks he had lost 22 pounds in weight. He complained of general fatigue, occasional occurrences of fever, chills and night sweats. He had no cough, shortness of breath, abdominal pain or cramping. Three weeks before presentation he experienced diarrhea, which lasted for five days and subsided without any treatment. On this visit to the hospital he had a dull ache in the right lower posterior thorax. He had no previous operations or hospital admissions. He did not know if any of his friends or family members had had tuberculosis. A gardner by profession, the patient has resided in the United States for eight years with occasional travel to Mexico. He smoked one half pack of cigarettes per day for 20 years. He was an alcoholic but gave up the habit about 15 years prior to this visit to LAC-USC Medical Center. He did not visit prostitutes and denied IVDA and homosexual contact. On physical examination he was alert, cooperative and did not appear cachetic. His temperature was 38.8°C. The breath sounds were diminished over the lower base of the right lung and a few crackles were present. Results of the rest of the examination were normal.
Tags: empyema liver abscesses pleuropulmonary amebiasis tuberculosis