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Category Archives: Follicle
Mammalian Oogenesis and Folliculogenesis: MATERIALS AND METHODS(9)

Mammalian Oogenesis and Folliculogenesis: MATERIALS AND METHODS(8)
Both the recombinant mouse KITL protein and neutralizing antibody were obtained from Sigma Chemical Co. Doses of recombinant mouse KITL were selected on the basis of concentrations previously shown to promote oocyte growth and follicle activation in the mouse and rat, respectively. The dose of neutralizing antibody was determined using the ED50 provided by the manufacturer. In similar experiments rabbit ovarian explants were incubated with 150 ng/ml of recombinant rabbit KITL (see Supplemental Table 2).
Mammalian Oogenesis and Folliculogenesis: MATERIALS AND METHODS(7)

Mammalian Oogenesis and Folliculogenesis: MATERIALS AND METHODS(6)
The tissue sections (four from each ovary) were deparaffinized in xylene and then rehydrated in alcohol. Pretreatment, hybridization, and posthybridization washes were performed according to protocols described in the Non-radioactive In Situ Hybridization Application Manual (Roche Diagnostics). Kitl sense and antisense probes were hybridized overnight at 50°C. Kit sense and antisense probes were hybridized overnight at 68°C. Probes were detected immunohistochemically using the DIG Nucleic Acid Detection Kit (Roche Diagnostics) according to protocols described by the manufacturer.
Mammalian Oogenesis and Folliculogenesis: MATERIALS AND METHODS(5)

Mammalian Oogenesis and Folliculogenesis: MATERIALS AND METHODS(4)
Two booster injections of protein (50 ig), dissolved in PBS (50 il) and emulsified in an equal volume of Freunds Incomplete Adjuvant, were given at 2-wk intervals, commencing 4 wk after priming injections. Fourteen days following the final boost, rats were anesthetized with carbon dioxide and then exsanguinated by cardiac puncture. Blood sera were collected and tested for specificity against the respective immunogens and commercially obtained protein (recombinant mouse SCF; Sigma Chemical Co.) by Western blot (not shown).
Mammalian Oogenesis and Folliculogenesis: MATERIALS AND METHODS(3)

Mammalian Oogenesis and Folliculogenesis: MATERIALS AND METHODS(2)
Conditions for PCR were as follows: 1X (3 min at 94°C); 30X (94°C for 45 sec, 55°C for 1 min, 72°C for 1 min); 1X (72°C for 5 min). PCR products were ligated into the pGEM-T Easy vector (Promega Corp., Australia) and cloned into XL-1 Blue Escherichia coli (Stratagene, La Jolla, CA). Cloned cDNAs were sequenced (Biomolecular Resource Facility, JCSMR, ANU), and nucleotide and amino acid sequence analyses were performed using Lasergene v6 software (DNASTAR Inc., Madison, WI). Sequences were deposited in GenBank, and accession numbers for rabbit Kitl DQ356265, rabbit Kit (cytoplasmic domain) DQ356267, and rabbit Kit (extracellular domain) DQ356266 were assigned respectively.
Mammalian Oogenesis and Folliculogenesis: MATERIALS AND METHODS(1)

Mammalian Oogenesis and Folliculogenesis: INTRODUCTION(4)
Given the limited accessibility of human ovarian tissue and the lack of information available for the activity of KITL in species other than the mouse, we identified the rabbit as an alternative animal model for the study of the roles of KITL and KIT during the early stages of folliculogenesis. The initial objective of this research was to use in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry to provide a detailed analysis of Kitl and Kit mRNA and protein expression within the ovaries of rabbits during the assembly of primordial follicles and the first wave of folliculogenesis, which occurs between Weeks 2 and 12 of postnatal development in this species.