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Category Archives: Theophylline
Inhibition of Natural Killer Cell Activity by Oral Administration of Theophylline: Discussion (2)
Asthmatic patients appear to have more viral respiratory infections than do normal subjects, and those respiratory infections may trigger the exacerbations of asthma. Thus, there is a possibility that the inhibition of NK cell activity, one of the primary defense mechanisms, may induce more frequent infections and asthmatic attacks.
Inhibition of Natural Killer Cell Activity by Oral Administration of Theophylline: Discussion (1)

Inhibition of Natural Killer Cell Activity by Oral Administration of Theophylline: Results (3)
The amount of inhibition of NK cell activity observed in vivo was about 40 percent, which was about equal to that observed by direct addition in vitro at the concentration of 1X 10_4M aminophylline (2 X 10'M theophylline). The NK cell activity was returned to the level of before administration on the seventh day after cessation of administration (Fig 2A).
Inhibition of Natural Killer Cell Activity by Oral Administration of Theophylline: Results (2)

Inhibition of Natural Killer Cell Activity by Oral Administration of Theophylline: Results (1)
Direct Addition of Aminophylline to Effector-Target CeU Cultures in Vitro
The direct addition of concentrations of aminophyl-line that exceeded 5 X 10 “M inhibited NK cell activity in a dose-dependent manner. Representative data obtained from three independent experiments on one individual are shown in Table 1. The degree of inhibition was similar in two other individuals, and the inhibitory effect occurred at various effector-target ratios (data not shown). Fifty percent inhibition was achieved at between 1 and 5x 10_4M. The inhibition was not due to direct cytotoxicity of this compound because the viability of PBLs after incubation with aminophylline (1 x 10~M) for 4 h was greater than 95 percent of untreated control PBLs. Although aminophylline contains ethylenediamine, this compound could not inhibit NK cell activity even at 1 x 10-3M (data not shown).
Inhibition of Natural Killer Cell Activity by Oral Administration of Theophylline: Materials and Methods (2)

Inhibition of Natural Killer Cell Activity by Oral Administration of Theophylline: Materials and Methods (1)
Peripheral blood mononuclear cells were separated from heparin-ized normal human blood by Ficoll-Conray density-gradient centrifugation and were washed and resuspended in RPMI 1640 medium supplemented with 10 percent heat-inactivated fetal bovine serum (GIBCO), 2 mM L-glutamine, and gentamicin (60ngfail) (complete medium). The PBMCs were then depleted of adherent cells by plastic adherence as described previously. The remaining cells, referred to hereafter as PBLs, were washed and resuspended in complete medium. The viability of cells was assessed by the trypan blue dye exclusion test.
Inhibition of Natural Killer Cell Activity by Oral Administration of Theophylline